Saturday, January 22, 2011

A New Year

I apologize for my long absence. As you know, I spent eight days in Mississippi over Christmas, during which time I saw some of you, and then the Blizzard of 2010 found me stranded in Atlanta for three nights. Luckily, my friend Michael was in town on business and shared his hotel room with me those first two nights, and my friend Pete was visiting his mother, who was kind enough to put me up my final night. I rang in the new year with Pete and his girlfriend at a dive bar in Williamsburg, and I have since managed to fully settle into my new apartment. With court now behind me, I look forward to my case being completely dismissed at the end of the year. I'd like to thank everyone again for your support throughout this ordeal. I take great solace in knowing I have so many good friends. With that, I'm signing off.